Marketing, content & entertainment.
Where would
you like to get to?
You don’t need to be reminded of the need for a clear, powerful, consistent brand message. What you do need is help finding the time and focus to define it, then get it
into market.
The Transfer Desk is here to solve that. We’re a brand consultancy that creates the time, the space and the tools to think deeply and make clear decisions. Now's the time to decide where your company is going and who needs to come along for the journey.
Everyone loves travelling.
Except for the ‘getting there’ bit.
Traditional Brand Strategy approaches can be confusing - it’s hard to know how long it will take, how much it will cost and what, exactly, you’ll get at the end. The Transfer Desk solves this part, too, by offering a pre-defined scope and timeline, following a proven process to arrive at a package of Brand Strategy deliverables your team will start using straight away.
The other part that’s also clearly defined? Costs. The Transfer Desk offers Brand Strategy as fixed-fee packages.
Collect options, make decisions, tell everyone.
Now you’re flying.
01 / Check In
A swift yet thorough interrogation of the business to discover what your organisation already knows, and what it needs to.
02 / Decision Gate
A fast, focussed workshop with your leadership group to assess your options and make clear decisions.
03 / Flight Path
Beautifully-designed posters that summarise your new Brand Strategy, making it easy for the whole team to understand and to act.
Here’s what you get when
you go to The Transfer Desk:
One page. No, really. We’re big, big believers in the power of clarity. Getting to a single page of ideas or instruction takes time, thought and (here’s the crucial bit) decisions. Almost everything you get from The Transfer Desk is presented on a single page (including this website).
Flight Path - a Brand Strategy on a single page, designed to be shared, understood and acted upon. Think of it as the executive summary.
Weather Check - a one-page assessment of your brand’s current operating conditions, in terms of leadership, product, perception and market. Think of it as a reality check for where you are now.
Manifesto - a ‘launch speech’ to introduce your new brand strategy to fellow pilots and passengers. Think of it as a script for your ‘elevator pitch’.
Travel Guide - a one-page summary of ‘next steps’ for your team to take, arranged in categories from the obvious to the wildly ambitious. Think of it as the outline of your marketing plan.
Departure Announcement - a one-hour live playback session for your extended team to see and hear the Brand Strategy first hand, ask questions, get clarity and make plans for action. Think of it as a company-wide pep talk.
Pilot’s Manual - a complete handbook that explains the Brand Strategy in detail, plus templates and worksheets to guide campaign and marketing decisions, as well as all research and background material collected during the process. Also includes all the above ‘one pagers’. Think of it as an easy-to-use reference guide.
How to tell if
The Transfer Desk can help:
Change. That’s the single common denominator for leaders and organisations who’ve come to us seeking clarity on their brand, message and market presence. It might be a merger or acquisition, a structural re-org, an expansion into new products, markets or territories, competitive threats or perhaps a change in leadership. If your business is on a journey of change, The Transfer Desk can help ensure your brand doesn’t get lost in translation.
If it helps to frame by industry, The Transfer Desk has specific experience in technology, financial services, travel, property, manufacturing, construction, health and aged care, start-ups and government.
Our clear thinking about strategy allows for inspired choices in market, like the commercial landlord we persuaded to create a library of picnic rugs, the hospital group we suggested should offer car detailing, the steel engineers we convinced to make digital copies of cities or the luxury residences we insisted should be almost impossible for buyers to discover.
If you'd like a closer look at some of our case studies and a tour of our strategies, content or copy, we'd encourage you to get in touch.
Let's talk.
Barrie Seppings is the Founder and Director of The Transfer Desk. This is the Brand Consultancy he always wanted to see in market, one that offers the experience and expertise of a multinational agency in a more accessible format. The Transfer Desk puts business leaders and creative thinkers together, focusses on the opportunity and generates better decision-making. If you're curious to see just how clear and logical we've made the Brand Strategy process, send a note and
we'll get talking.